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A Vacation Surprise - Chapter 7

"A memory stirred . . ."

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I honestly don't know what I expected upon entering Penny's room, but it was clear from the demeanor of both her and Andrew that the evening play was over, and in my nakedness compared with their relative clothed modesty, my prick wilted, and muttering something about it having been a long night, I backed out of the room, and retreated along the hall to my own.

As I plied into my own empty bed, I felt more than a little disconnected with the rest of the family members in the house, and decidedly grumpy. And tired. In fact, mentally and physically knackered.

Sleep came, quickly and deeply.

I don’t know what time it was. But I was aware that it was dark and very quiet in the house. It was the strangest sensation – there I was, tucked up in bed, half wake, and very aware of the trickle of warm cum, snaking its way down between my thighs to make a wet patch in the sheets.

A wet dream !

I hadn’t had one of those for years, and as I drifted off into sleep again, savoring the remaining throb of my wilting dick, I tried to rewind my dream, to remember what had triggered the orgasm. And just to enlighten you, dear reader, it had nothing to do with Penny and her extended family. It was in fact all about an encounter with my aunt, some many years ago now, and my very first erotic experience with an older lady.

Thinking back, it probably set the course of my preferences . . .  


 . . . It was a dark and stormy night – how corny. But true, and as I peered through the windshield, trying to make out what was ahead in the storm, I knew I was well and truly lost.

This was the first solo sales trip I’d made for my new employer. Fresh out of college after three years with a marketing degree, I was determined to make my mark in the world of international trade. The past five months had been the most intensive work experience I’d ever had, with training courses and indoctrination in company policy and philosophy. I’d made two out of town sales trips with my division manager, and taken a subordinate role in the meetings we’d held. Judged sufficiently competent to handle one of our medium size clients, I had spent a successful day, and was now heading back in the worst possible weather I’d experienced.

 I should have booked a hotel and stayed overnight before heading back, but keen to make an impression on my boss, I’d wanted to save their money, and show up first thing the next morning at the office with the report of my success.

Driving rain made visibility really poor. I knew from some of the landmarks along the highway that I was at least heading in the right direction. Indeed, the last turnoff was familiar. It was the side road to my aunt’s country home, a destination we’d visited many times as a family during the summers of my early teen years. Those idyllic times had ceased after my Dad left home. With me at college the past three years, Mom had little time between keeping house and her job for getting together with her oldest friend Emily, who she'd known since high school.

I’d managed to follow the highway for some way now, but there was darkness either side of me, and no traffic in either direction for the last half an hour. Some way off, I could see the flicker of a light through the rain. My mind drifted to Mom's friend Emily, or Em as I'd knew her, and the old rambling house she lived in. Never married, she had working in the city for years, rising through the ranks of the banking community, and finally retiring to the life of a county lady.

Five years older than my Mom, Em embodied the image of true independence. Just as good looking as my Mom, but never married, she was financially well off, well traveled, and took care in her appearance. When she used to visit us, she always arrived armed with flowers or chocolates, true old-world courtesy. A lady of taste, I could well recall the way she greeted me from ever since I could remember.

"Roland," she would say "come and give me a big hug."

 In my pre-pubescent years, it was somehow comforting to be enfolded in the warmth of her arms, head pressed against her chest, inhaling the faint aroma of her perfume. But as I grew older, I found these hugs a little unsettling.

As an only child, I suppose Em looked upon me as her ‘special’ lad. She was very physical with me in small ways. Often a touch on the shoulder or arm as she spoke to me. Sometimes she held my hand loosely as she looked down at me, or perhaps a light stroke of my hair. She was certainly generous, and before leaving after those visits, never failed to slip me a crisp $5 bill, with a wink and quiet admonishment not to spend it all on candy.

As the rain slashed down and the light faded from my sight, I was jolted back to the present. The engine died ! Shit – out of gas.

Coasting over to the shoulder, I volubly cursed my keenness and desire to make such an impression at the office. What an idiot. Right now, I could be comfortable asleep in the warmth of a hotel bed, instead of stuck in the middle of nowhere in the middle of a storm. The car came to a halt on the gravel. I tried the starter, but knew it was useless. Sitting there with the rain drumming on the roof, silently continuing to curse, I considered my options.

It was 2.00am with no chance of help coming to me. Not relishing spending the night cramped up in the car, I decided to head out on foot for the glow of the light that I’d seen from the highway. I poked around in the glove compartment for the flashlight, only to discover the batteries were almost dead. Cursing anew, I hauled my coat from the rear seat, and struggled to put it on as I squirmed in the drivers’ seat. I came to a decision. Surely the light I’d seen in the distance might be a house, and with luck, the flashlight would last until I discovered it.

Wrapping my coat around myself, I heaved myself out of the car, slammed the door, and head down, started back the same way I’d driven. The rain was washing down, and it took only a few moments for me to be soaked to the skin, coat or not. The gravel of the shoulder crunched under my feet, and in the failing glow of the flashlight, I could make out the side road I’d passed not long back. Wet through, the cold started to seep into my bones, and I shivered. Reaching the junction, I saw a pinprick of light through the gloom. I turned down the road, walking on the metaled surface, my feet squishing in my waterlogged leather shoes. Surely, this was the road we used to take to my Em’s house. Was I going to avoid total disaster this night, or would she be off on one of her globe trotting travels. Did she even live there still?

The light was not as far off as it seemed, and turned out to be the glow of a lamp through the small window on the front door of Em’s home. As I drew closer, a sense of familiarity crept over me. How many years had it been since I was last here?

As I turned up the driveway, my flashlight gave up the ghost. Sheltering in the porch, I hammered on the door, hoping that the occupants were neither away, not deaf. Nothing happened. All I could hear was the drumming of the rain against the porch roof.

In despair, I was about to turn away and head back for the car, when I heard a bolt drawn from inside the door. It opened a crack, and stopped against a security chain.

A female voice "who’s there?"

It took me no time to explain my plight, and ask "Em?"


"Yes, it’s me"

 I breathed a mental sigh of relief, as the door closed and the chain was undone. It reopened wider, and in the dim light of the hall I could make out my aunt.

"Roland?" she asked again. "What on earth are you doing here at this time of night?"

She took a step back, and I slid into the warm glow of the lamp in the hallway, and the dry heat of the house.

"Oh, are you a sight for sore eyes" I said. "I had this horrible feeling I’d find nobody at home" as I stood dripping on her hall carpet.

Avoiding my wet bulk, she stepped back a further pace. My stomach gave a surge at the sight of the woman standing there. She was about my Mom’s height, or a head shorter than me, with trim blond hair and blue twinkling eyes. Just as I remembered her. However, from the peignoir she was wearing, she had obviously just woken and left the warmth of her bed.

"Roland; look at you. Wet through" she said.

Coming to my senses, I peeled my coat off, and draped it over the umbrella stand. Rainwater dripped off it into the metal tray below. I’m must have looked as close to a drowned rat as was possible. An uncontrolled shiver ran through me. I was cold!

"Oh dear boy! Let’s get those cloths off, and into a hot shower with you. You must be chilled through."

Em to the rescue.

I admitted as much, and she led the way down the hall, to a well-appointed bathroom. I started to gabble, and explain my presence, but she would have none of it.

"Later, Roland. Later."

She took charge of me "First things first. In you go, there" she said, ushering me into the bathroom.

"Out of your wet things, and into a hot shower. Pneumonia otherwise" she declared.

After switching on the bathroom light, she closed the door firmly on me, leaving me to myself. What a sensible lady, I thought. Just like Mom in so many ways. The room was warm, and I stopped shivering. Thick towels were plied next to the laundry hamper, and a hot shower beckoned. I reached in and turned it on, letting it run and the water warm up as I stripped off, throwing my soaking clothes in a pile by the bathroom door.

I turned on the shower, and stepped in, luxuriating in the heat. I simply stood there, letting the hot water warm my bones for a good five minutes.

My mind wandered to the lady of the house. Dear Em. I reached for the soap, and as I lathered around the cheeks of my ass, which were still chilled from the cold night soaking, my cock stiffened a little. My bladder overcame all other thoughts at that moment, and I relieved it against the shower wall in a long stream of hot piss. That felt like it had been a long time coming, and left me with a good feeling of satisfaction.

Soaping the rest of my equipment, and giving my cock a little shake off, I rinsed down and turned off the shower. Stepped out of the stall and scooping up one of the large, thick towels, I dried myself vigorously.

Thoroughly warmed and rejuvenated, I continued to pat myself dry in the cracks, simultaneously taking in my surroundings. Em sure knew how to live! The bathroom was all marble and tile, mirrors and expensive fixtures. Toilet, bathtub and sink were matched with another fixture, which I realized was a bidet.

Stepping over to it and squatting down, I examined it. Low slung, and with only a porcelain rim, I puzzled over its function. Two valves at the rear were clearly for hot and cold water, but no faucet. Just a simple small fixture in the centre of the bottom of the bowl, a little like a silver salt shaker, and a drain hole. I reached forward and turned the two valves, surprised to see a modest fountain of water erupt from the centre fixture. Fascinated, I played with the valves until the temperature was just right, then stood up, and lowered myself onto the porcelain rim of the bowl. Warm water spread over my balls and washed my asshole. It felt distinctly naughty. My cock responded accordingly.

Bemused, I rose, used the towel I’d been holding to dry myself, and turned off the water. Now, I asked myself, why would Em want a bidet?

Dry, and looking for a place to hang the towel, it was only then that I registered the lingerie hanging on the hot-rail. Em’s ‘smalls’, washed out and drying overnight?

Slinging the towel over my shoulder, I lifted a nylon stocking from the rail. A sheer, flesh coloured stocking with a back seam! Hmm. A garter belt and panties in matched burgundy also hung there. I picked up the garter belt. Beautifully made, with a total of six satin trimmed garters, and panels of sheer floral patterned silk in front and sides.

Memories came flooding back to me. Memories of exploring Mom’s lingerie when I was younger. My cock sprung to life. My relationship with Mom between leaving high school and going away to college had been a complicated and life changing erotic chapter. Now here I was, in her sister’s house, standing naked in the humid warmth of her bathroom with a growing erection, and re-awakened thoughts I’d considered buried beyond redemption.

Em’s panties were just as exquisitely sheer as her garter belt, fully fashioned, with a soft gusset tailored to fit comfortably. As I fingered the fabric I lifted it to my nose, inhaling. A faint aroma of fresh laundry soap. Impulsively, I kissed the inside of the gusset. My cock stiffened further. I felt the familiar sensation of a little pre-cum making its way down my urethra. What was I thinking? These belonged to the lady of the house . . . !

Replacing her panties as I’d found them, I turned away. It was only at that moment, feeling dry and well refreshed, that I realized I had no clothes to put on. A light knock on the bathroom door made me start.


Did Em have physic powers? X-ray vision?

But, sweet lady that she is. She was simply looking after my welfare.

"Let me have your wet things" her voice came from outside the door.

I gathered up my wet clothes in a lump, and doing as bid, opened the door a crack and handed them out. I felt her relive them from me, and was about to close the door.

"Wait a moment" she said.

Into my extended hand she placed a hot mug of liquid. Hot chocolate!

"Thanks Em" I responded a little abashed as I took the mug and closed the door. What a sweetheart! She thought of everything.

I turned and dumped my towel on the toilet lid. Sitting on it, I warmed my hands around the mug, drank my hot chocolate, and mused over her unquestioning affection. Done, I stood, and wrapped a towel tightly around myself and opening the door, peered out. The lady of the house was standing there in the hallway, leaning back against the oak paneled wall.

"Well Roland" she smiled at me "this is an unexpected visit".

I grinned in agreement.

"Not the ideal circumstances, but I’m glad you’re here. I’m only sorry that I got you up in the middle of the night" I apologized.

"Nonsense dear boy" she smiled back. "You can tell me all about it in the morning. Now, I have none of your clothing dry yet, nor anything suitable to lend. But then, you probably wont need any until the morning anyway. The spare room is made up for you".

She beckoned me to follow her.

Thanking her and agreeing, we headed towards the stairs. Wrapped in my towel, I followed her back down the hallway. My eyes were drawn to her. She had beautifully shaped calves. Only then was she silhouetted against the light did I realize she had very little under her peignoir. My cock rose at the sight, and strained against the towel. What was I thinking!

She turned the corner of the hallway, and at the foot of the stairs paused and looked over her shoulder, glancing down ever so briefly at the lump protruding under the front of my towel. She climbed three steps of the thickly carpeted stairway, then paused again, this time to pick up what appeared to be a small pile of underwear.

She has stopped so suddenly that I almost ran into her. I took a small step backwards, stopped and gasped, staring at her buttocks in front of me, her legs slightly parted, her peignoir draped over her cheeks and down her crack. To this day, I don’t know what came over me. Pure instinct? I reached out, and while she was still bent over, placed my palm on her buttock.

We both froze. Em remained bending over, two steps up from me on the stairs.

Staring at her negligee draped bottom, my hand seemed welded to her buttock. Her body heat radiated through the thin fabric, searing the palm of my hand. Neither of us said a word. The atmosphere was electric, and my stomach had dissolved into a maelstrom of churning butterflies. What in hell did I think I was doing? This was my Mom’s best friend!

I had suddenly gone beyond a totally taboo boundary. What would she say? What would she do? How would I explain this to my Mom?

All of these thoughts crowded my mind for an eternally long moment. Yet my hand remained glued to Em’s soft, round, warm buttock.

Neither of us said a word. The only sound was the loud ticking of the hall clock, and my own ragged breathing. I know we couldn’t stay like this all night, but was at a total loss what to do.

Em to the rescue again.

"Mmm – Roland?" she said in a very soft voice, and shifted just ever so slightly, pushing back almost imperceptibly against my hand. My hitherto dormant cock surged under the towel.

I gave her buttock a hesitant little squeeze. There was no adverse reaction from Em. Taking this as a positive sign, the butterflies in my stomach doing somersaults, and my mouth too dry to even consider saying anything, I slowly, ever so slowly started to slide my hand down her buttock, her peignoir making its journey as smooth as satin.

The towel draped around me assumed the proportions of a tent as my cock stiffened, my knob chafing lightly against the rough pile, arousing me further.

Em remained still, as my hand drifted down the back of her thigh, the satin negligee soft to my touch. As my traveling hand arrived at the back of her knee, it ran out of fabric. The bare flesh of her calf felt cool to my touch. I froze again, heart in mouth, my hand resting lightly on the inside of her calf. I took a deep mental breath. This was Mom's friend for crying out loud!

But we were way beyond the boundaries of norm. Almost imperceptibly, I pressed my palm more firmly against her calf, and moved it upwards a fraction. Encouraged by the lack of any objection, my cock straining against the towel, I slowly inched my hand up the inside of Aunt Em’s leg. Up past her knee, the temperature of her soft skin on the inside of her thigh warmer to my touch.

She didn’t move a muscle or object as my hand, out of sight, mover towards her crotch. As it slid slowly upwards, my hand gathered folds of her peignoir. I moved it higher, until it could go no further, the only thing separating it from her cleft was a soft wodge of bunched up material.

Time seemed to stand still.

Then she let out a small sigh, and bending her knees slightly, widened her crotch. I dropped the bunched up fabric, and pressed my hand directly onto her smooth, hairless vulva. Cupping it in my hand, I squeezed it gently, kneading it against her pubic bone.

Pressing herself down against the palm of my hand, she moaned my name.

It seemed natural to use my fingers to explore the warm, soft, damp folds of her cunt, and rubbing my fingers through the folds of her lips, I quickly discovered a very moist slot.

I tentatively smeared her juice over one of my fingers, and pressed lightly into the hot slit of her cunt. Widening her feet further, she leaned forward onto the stairs, and rested her arms on the carpet.

With my other hand, I let go my towel, allowing my cock to swing free, protruding stiffly in front of my, inches from her bottom. With my free hand, I carefully lifted her peignoir over her bottom, fully exposed her ass. The sight of her small, dark, puckered anus nestled between wonderful globes of pink flesh made my stomach turn somersaults. Below her bumhole my finger was wriggling inside her vagina, buried inside the hot, soft fleshy folds of her lips her up to my knuckle.

My cock strained anew.

With another moan, Em sank onto her knees on the carpeted stairs in front of her, cradling her head on her arms, exposing herself to whatever I wished to do.

Following suite, I knelt down on the stair below her, my head level with her bottom. I was finding this all so hard to believe. But my nerves started to settle down now, and I felt more in control of myself, more certain of what I was doing. I spread my knees to balance properly, my balls hanging free between my thighs, my cock hot and hard. A great glob of pre-cum oozed from the end, connecting the tip of my penis to the carpet by a thin gossamer thread. It ached for attention.

Leaning forward, I put my nose into the crack of her ass, inhaling her wonderfully pungent body aroma. I continued to finger fuck her gently. My mouth watered, and extending my tongue, I took a tentative lick of her exposed anus. Nectar!

Drawing back to watch, I crooked my finger as I withdrew it from her pussy, dragging it across her G-spot. She shivered, and let out a muffled groan.

Putting my finger to my mouth, I sucked it clean of her juice. So sweet! Leaning forward, I opening my mouth wide, I placed it over her cunt, my lips hard against her lips, sucking on the flow of juice from her vagina, forcing my tongue into her hole.

She let out another groan, and pushed back against me. With both hands clasping each of her buttocks, I spread them wide, giving myself total access to her joyful delights. Letting go her buttocks, and keeping my mouth firmly planted over her slit, I reached around and under her peignoir to cup her breasts, hanging there, firm, ripe, and nipples like bullets. Squeezing them hard, I rolled her nipples between my thumbs and fingers.

The tip of my cock positively ached. Was now the moment?

Giving her heavy tits one more comfortable squeeze, I relinquished them. Placing one hand on each of her buttocks, I eased them apart, and mouthing an appreciable suck of her lips, straightened myself and tore my face away from her pussy.

I looked down at the pink slit hiding coyly between her wet, generous labia, surmounted by her cute little puckered bumhole.

 My glance strayed to my own inflated cock. I had never seen my knob so engorged before, dark pink tight flesh, flowing so freely with pre-cum. My prick bobbed in time with my pulse. Releasing one of her buttocks, I cupped my knob in the palm of my hand, and coated it liberally with my own juice.

Easing my pelvis towards her ass and gripping my shaft in my hand, I pushed my knob against her lips, rubbing it up and down against her slot. Em emitted what I could swear was a low, muted growl. She instinctively eased her ass back towards my pelvis, and my knob disappeared inside her.

I gasped out loud with the thrill of the all-engulfing sensation of my knob encased in the electric warmth of her vagina. Drawing back from her slightly, my plum coated with her salty sex almost emerged before gently pushing forward, to sink my shaft further into her cunt, drawing a soft moan from her.

I pulled back again, easing her buttocks apart as far as they would stretch, withdrawing my cock, leaving just my knob seated inside her lips. Looking down, my brain lapped up the sight of my prick nestled between her flushed, wet lips, and her little puckered bum ring. Pushing forward again, my cock glided fully up her vagina, totally encased in her hot, velvet slot. My balls snuggled up against her mound, and the front of my thighs pressed hard against her cheeks. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around her, and cupped both breasts, rolling her nipples roughly between fingers and thumbs.

I could feel my eruption beginning to gather deep down in my loins. Em shifted a little under me as she reached back to fondle my balls, pulling on my sac.

I released her tits, and kneeling upright, eased her ass apart again, and pulled the whole length of my cock from her. She relinquished my balls, spread her knees wider, the better to brace for the onslaught. As my knob parted company from her labia, her lips remained slightly parted, a small residue of her creamy juice gathering in the entrance. Pushing forward again, with practiced ease the purple bulb of my knob slid inside her cunt, which gave a small fart of displaced air.

Sinking deeply into her again, her heat searing the length of my shaft, I knew I wouldn’t be long in filling her with my cum. Picking up speed, I began to pull out and plunge back into to her with increased tempo. She mimicked my motion by pressing back each time I filled her slot.

I added my own guttural grunts to her moaning, my orgasm gathering speed, welling behind my sac, gaining momentum with each thrust into her soft, wet cavity. Mesmerized by the sight of my prick disappearing and reappearing from my Mom’s best friend's swollen slot, droplets of our juice flicking off my knob each time it emerged. I squeezed her buttocks tightly as my orgasm rumbled forth. I let out a loud moan as it erupted from my cock, pushing forward into her one last time, only to find she had pulled away at the last moment, and I was pumping thick ropes of gleaming cum into thin air!

Globs of semen spewed from my cock, landing on my Em’s bare ass and rumpled peignoir as she lay collapsed on the stairs in front of me. As my orgasm faded, she gathered up her negligee, rose and literally skipped up the stairs, giggling as she disappeared into the darkness!

I remained kneeling where I was, dumbfounded, my prick wilting rapidly, drooling the remains of my orgasm. I stood up, turned and sat down, elbows on knees, forehead in hands feeling like a total idiot. Why had I assumed that Em would welcome my horny advances? What on earth did she think of me? My mind was in turmoil. I sat there, staring down at my shriveled dick, hanging limply between my legs. What an idiot!

And yet . . .

Stay tuned for Chapter 8, and any thoughts for story line welcomed.




Written by FrankW555

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