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Erotic Stories

Exploring your own erotic fantasies or a partner's sexual imagination can be a liberating experience. Sensualising with one another can truly add that extra spark between the sheets and change everyday sex into a passionate mind-blowing pleasure.

Erotic experiences in swinging include dressing up roleplay, adding another person into the bedroom and group gangbangs.

Explore our erotica collections below and share your own pleasures.

Backroad Beauty

...Pulled over and pumped

It was a beautiful summer day, my sexy boyfriend and I are driving top down in the cutest vintage convertible... The sun is beating down on us, as we listen to our road trip playlist, rolling down a country Road. Life is good. It starts to get a little ho...

Score 7 7
358 Views 358
563 words 563 words

Before meeting hubby, I was dating a guy who had introduced me to the LS and to exploring some of my sub fantasies. One day, he messaged me around lunch and asked if I was free that afternoon. I responded yes. He told me he wanted me and in his office. It...

Score 61 61
1.1k Views 1.1k
806 words 806 words

Your thoughts? Hungers? Laffs?

Divorced bi - guy - after break up - bottoms?

Is it crazy? After loving break up? To turn? from top - lady lovingman—-to bottom? hunger to be “ bred”? Fucked? Creamed? Guess what? Yesss. My fantasy- my dream? Will you fill it? And me? Why do I fantasize? about being desired, mounted and being “ bred”...

Score 2 2
292 Views 292
165 words 165 words

So this is how I got into giving massages. About a year ago I was over at a close friends place and she was an RMT so she had a massage table and all the stuff, one night after a few drinks of course I said hey why don’t we go up stairs and I’ll give you...

Score 5 5
658 Views 658
408 words 408 words

encounter with special couple

encounter with great couple

I was at a private location, everyone there, is there for fun lets say, one of the things they have setup at this private location is a female glory hole for those of you not familiar with it, google is your friend :) . I was talking to the M and he says...

Score 7 7
870 Views 870
472 words 472 words

Bacon and eggs

A beautiful moment in time.

It was a late spring morning. The time of year where the windows still develop a sheen of condensation on their lower half. The light from the warm rising sun is pouring in across the kitchen table. The bottom pain scatters the sunshine from a hundred tho...

Score 2 2
564 Views 564
214 words 214 words


Read words and imagine

We are in a hotel for the first time.we close the door and share a beautiful kiss. I put my arms around your neck,and kiss you deeply.i slowly move my hands down your back and cup your ass..then I slowly unbutton your shirt and kiss your neck and chest. S...

Score 24 24
541 Views 541
465 words 465 words

Chapter 8 It was a dark and stormy night as November was being ushered in with a cold, lashing rain. Angelique stared out the window of the staff room. She watched as the hard, cold drops streaked across the glass, glittering like diamonds. She could have...

Score 4 4
383 Views 383
5.2k words 5.2k words

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Chapter 6- Friday morning delivered a beautiful, crisp sunrise as Sam headed across the parking lot. The early start to the day should allow Sam to clear up a few items from this week and get out of the office at a decent hour. Marin and Katherine had sta...

Score 6 6
476 Views 476
7.4k words 7.4k words

Chapter 4- Katherine stretched luxuriously in the king size bed. She couldn’t remember having slept so well. As her mind burned away the fog of sleep, she felt the delicious twinge of pain from the previous night’s experiment. She smiled in a lazy fashion...

Score 5 5
395 Views 395
6.5k words 6.5k words

A New Life

Dumped Wife reborn

Her husband had left her; after thirty years. She hadn't seen it coming. With hindsight, she should have; without foresight, she didn't. Sharon, her closest friend, seemed unsympathetic. ‘You dress like a frump,’ she said, dismissing her abandoned friend...

Hellish week Chapter 1 to 3

just another day at the office?

It had been one of those hellish weeks…. kids to school, housework and overtime. Thank God today was the end of this rotation. “One more day” was all she could think of as she pulled up to the gate to the parking lot. As soon as the gate opened, a car sta...

Score 10 10
745 Views 745
12.0k words 12.0k words

My Wrestling History Part 2

Continuation of Part 1

Karen and I had been seeing each other every weekend since our first encounter and having a great time wrestling and playing afterwards, but we were starting to find that getting together on Friday night at 3 am after work, having our fun until 5 or 6 am,...


I Think My RMT Likes Me

My Massage Fantasy

It was Thursday afternoon and I was looking forward to my monthly massage with my RMT Janet. When I arrived she asked me if there were any problem areas she should focus on. Since I had recently been shovelling heavy snow, I suggested we work on my lower...

Score 16 16
1.2k Views 1.2k
1.1k words 1.1k words

My wrestling history, Part 1

This isn't for everyone, but neither am I.

I have decided to relay some of the wrestling matches I have had over the years for the enjoyment of others who still enjoy reading. I have been accused of lying, fantasizing, and just generally wishing that my stories are true, as some people believe no...

Score 4 4
516 Views 516
9.4k words 9.4k words