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Swinging Stories

The swinging lifestyle engages singles and partners in relationships to engage in sexual practices with a variety of other partners. Many people choose this lifestyle who have a sexual drive that requires different fulfilment than what they currently have.

Swinging is seen as a healthy outlet that can help increase the quality, quantity and variety of sex. Swinging can take place in the privacy of many homes, hotels, swinging clubs and safe private outdoor areas like dogging locations.

Having friends with benefits, experiencing life-changing encounters, or finally relishing a long-standing curiosity - let other readers enjoy your swinging story.

Popular Stories

Roped in

Moths to a flame

So M and I are not into serious BDSM and its complex culture, but like many sexy people, we enjoy dabbling with restraints, whips, floggers, clamps, and the like. If you really want to catch someone’s eye, though, you have to bring out the ropes. I can’t...

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Free play weekend pt 1

A weekend to remember

After having met Simon and Mabel at the local sex club over a month before, and kept in toutch, we were not too surprised to get an invite from them. We were surprised that they proposed we join them at their home for the weekend though. Simon explained t...

Score 18 18
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I layed out a selection of my sluttiest clothes. Hiding the black freddie pants towards the bottom. He would have to wait through the whole fashion show before we get to those. We both knew that they were what I was going to wear tonight anyways. I tried...

Score 6 6
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Roped in

Moths to a flame

So M and I are not into serious BDSM and its complex culture, but like many sexy people, we enjoy dabbling with restraints, whips, floggers, clamps, and the like. If you really want to catch someone’s eye, though, you have to bring out the ropes. I can’t...

Score 26 26
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our first swinging experience

What it feels to have the first swinging experience in your life?

We've been exploring swinging as a couple for some time now. We started openly discussing our fantasies and desires, and although we initially attempted an open relationship, it became clear that we struggled to adhere to all the agreed-upon rules, not ou...

I slowly open my eyes, breathing hard, the smell of sex and aroused bodies fills my nose. I look down to watch Daisy working my cock with her hand, sucking on my balls. I run my fingers through her hair and ask her if she’s ready for her turn. She smiles...

Score 12 12
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As we climb into the hot tub, John and I are transfixed with the view. Both girls holding each other in a passionate embrace, kissing, tongues roaming around in each others mouths while hands wonder aimlessly and yet with purpose. Seeking out a nipple to...

Score 19 19
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Playing with Newbies

The Journey only gets hotter, part 2

Tina contacts us and said they had a great time , so we set up another get together, this time we skip the pub and they come right to our house, starts out the same, hot tub with some touching, kissing and this time in the tub, a bj from Tina , my wife gi...

Playing with Newbies

Newbie Couple contact us

This girl Tina contacts us, her and her boyfriend seen our profile on another site and liked what they seen, she asked me if we could be exclusive to them so we wouldn't need condom's, I said, " We haven't even met so we would have to see how we connect w...

Our new friends sold their home and bought just down the hill from us, they liked our hot tub so much, they bought the same size and brand, he loved our suv so he bought a new one just like ours, I said my wife is not for sale, we all laughed, they invite...

Score 8 8
1.2k Views 1.2k
492 words 492 words

Timing is everything

when you meet a couple that you want to play with

let me set the stage, we live in a 2 story house with a fully furnished basement suite but we don't have anyone living in it, my daughter at the time had just turned 20 living upstairs with us, my daughter had a 2yr relationship going on at the time. We m...

first time with the right couple

we were still new at this but we learned the fun you can have with the right couple

met a couple from another site, the site had a 1 week free trial I signed up for so a few days later this couple contact us and would like to meet since we live in the same town, so we had appies at a restuarant and after a few hours we left with a good f...

Score 7 7
1.3k Views 1.3k
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More of "The Right Couple"

after the hot tub night we thought, this was the couple for us

A week had passed when we got a text from Barry asking us if we wanted to get together at their place, we said sure thinking it was going to be more pool playing, when we got there, they had a different plan, we sat in their living room with my wife in th...

Score 7 7
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