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Romance Stories

Sex with swingers doesn't tend to start and stop as a one-off one night stand. Relationships are often built up over time and manifest into a regular exchange and exploration of sexual feelings on an emotionally connected level.

This trusted experience can heighten the erotic enjoyment, leaving both parties feeling connected on the same sexual wavelength. Love or lust? Some may say just enjoy the feeling of romance whilst in the moment.

Have you ever felt that extra connection during sex with someone who you aren't in a relationship with? Express your tales here for other readers to appreciate.

An after supper treat

Passionate interlude

After we are home from a nice dinner out...we relax with a glass of wine , cuddled on the couch soft music in the background. As I'm looking into your eyes I kiss ur warm moist lips..running my hand through ur hair... I whisper in ur ear " I want you Babi...

Score 5 5
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351 words 351 words

Impregnating The Neighbor

thrilling when you know her husband is not able to impregnate her over the years

A neighbor that will excite you with her moves is always a thing of beauty and joy. Further, when her response seems a little positive and her eyes tell you her needs. It becomes more thrilling when you know her husband is not able to impregnate her over...

Score 6 6
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1.2k words 1.2k words

Jennie is a bareback FREAK!

Thought she was innocent turns out I was WRONG!

A few years ago I worked with a girl that I thought was kinda cute. She wasn’t what you would say model beautiful but I thought she was cute. She was skinny and kind of nerdy. She was friendly enough, although a few times she was kind of cold and stand of...


The weekend is fast approaching---not fast enough We are ancient lovers she is 68 and he js 76--no not quite dead as yet We meet and head to the motel and open the door and she is demanding of his immediate attention Get your clothes off now, all the whil...

Score 3 3
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180 words 180 words
BiBarbara installment ...I kiss your lips...neck...breasts..nipples...navel..and as you place your hands onto my head and press me to my knees, I I reach and release your falls to the floor.. press my yearning lips to you and I taste your...

Score 6 6
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278 words 278 words

Please let me know what you think of this little story, thanks. are standing in a dim room, there is a light breeze blowing across your body are wearing a white shirt, pleated black skirt, black thigh high nylons, heels and no underwear.

Score 2 2
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99 words 99 words
Leah B

She walked in the room everybody stopped and stared and she stood in the doorway her dress was tight her hair was straight her make up was perfect. She walked up to the bar and she sat down wondering if he was going to show up or not. She sat there alone...

Score 7 7
2.3k Views 2.3k
1.1k words 1.1k words

Sex on the Beach I arrived at the cottage late on a September Saturday afternoon and dropped by the beach to watch the mayhem of sunbathers and kids catching one of the last warm summer weekends. As I sat near the road away from the shore I was distracted...

Score 3 3
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3.8k words 3.8k words

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My husband Chris and i were at londonderry pool a few days in edmonton alberta, we were working out and having a relax at the pool, we were in the family room as my balance was off and I needed his help so i wouldnt fall. we were showering in the private...

Score 13 13
3.6k Views 3.6k
449 words 449 words

It is now time to turn over for your full frontal body massage. Almost weakly, raggishly you let me help to turn you over onto your back. I see your breasts come into the light. I am possessed by your beauty. Right away you spread your legs wider. I kiss...

Score 1 1
1.9k Views 1.9k
1.4k words 1.4k words

Imagine, there you are naked and stretched out comfortably on cool silk sheets feeling kind of sexy. The room is quietly lit, mostly dark and mysterious in a storybook way. You shift position spreading your legs just a bit wider in anticipation and you no...

Score 2 2
1.9k Views 1.9k
672 words 672 words

Interesting concept that it’s ‘easier in bed’. Words are unspoken. Letting our bodies dictate our movements. Slowly kissing...touching...licking...tasting. Our eyes transfixed on each other, saying everything without uttering a word. Bodies entwined, lock...

Score 4 4
1.4k Views 1.4k
85 words 85 words

I did dream about you again last night and it was incredible. We were meeting finally for the first time. Some days had passed since we made plans to be together so that we both had plenty of time to prepare as our desires and anticipations quickly grew....

Score 1 1
1.5k Views 1.5k
914 words 914 words

He began to make love to her, slowly, surely, taking it easy. She closed her eyes and fell into his rhythm. He smells so good, she thought. Like a strong, fragrant soap mixed with his masculine body smell. He has the kind of body she dreamt about. Smooth...

Score 2 2
1.2k Views 1.2k
92 words 92 words

In the dimly lit room you now carefully remove your panties and bra. You tease your nipples and slide your fingers down to your pussy teasing yourself into anticipation . I sit naked in front of you, wanting you all of you in every way. You move towards m...

Score 6 6
1.7k Views 1.7k
666 words 666 words