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Gay Stories

Gay erotic stories explore the homosexual attraction between men. These include males who are gay, bisexual or those who have want to settle a long term curiosity.

Planned gay meets or spontaneous encounters; homosexual adventures can start in a variety of casual situations or even unexpectedly during an MMF threesome. Delve into the erotic gay tales and explore the testosterone attraction.

New to gay sex or experienced it before? Share your own behind closed doors confessions with other readers.

it was a add in craigslist ,, mature male looking for cock ..downtown toronto ....i at that point sent a msg not thinking of what was to happen . i didnt think anything of it as my only exps so far was a mmf threesome and a few random meets with a few men...

Score 5 5
214 Views 214
1.2k words 1.2k words

While I was in Alberta for the funeral of my cousin (who I loved as a sister) I was at her home with her immediate family and friends. I was there for about two hours and chatted with a fellow (who was average looking and a little shorter than me) and his...

Score 18 18
1.5k Views 1.5k
2.9k words 2.9k words

Round 1

Hi happy to meet you

We meet, and I get to my knees and and slowly unzip your pants. I gently remove your semi hard dick and blow warm air on it. Watching as it slowly becomes semi rigid. My tongue touches the tip, just for a second. My eyes look up at you as I engulf the tip...

Score 11 11
936 Views 936
201 words 201 words

fact?fiction?fantasy?chapter 1

just when you thought.....

not sure why it got deleated..but... living in a small town..everyone knows everybody...or about everybody..right? wrong...i was out shopping at our local hardware store this summer and bumped into someone i ve known for..heck decades..we dont visit each...

Score 7 7
948 Views 948
784 words 784 words

a nearby member was watching my live cams and reached out. we decided to meet at a park and see what happened. we went for a walk along the paths to a seculed area of the park. we both started jerking off and looking at each other do it. it was raining li...

Score 5 5
1.4k Views 1.4k
121 words 121 words

fact? fiction?fantasy?2

never give up hope

it had been over two months since my encounter with my now special friend..we had set up a meeting before going our seperate ways after our fishing trip..but for some reason he never showed up..Hey..shit happens that we cant we are both marr...

Score 7 7
1.7k Views 1.7k
760 words 760 words

The one

the best was yet to cum

It had been a few years since clay had moved away and since he left town i had not met another guy that I had wanted to date on a regular basis, so for the last few years it was a lot of one night stands with both male and females, Sharon had gone and got...

Score 16 16
1.3k Views 1.3k
2.3k words 2.3k words

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You’re blindfolded with your back to me as I quietly enter the dimly lit office, sexual tension fills the air, the mood is right as I reach around your torso one hand on each side gripping you tight, you feel the warmth of my breath on the tiny hairs of y...


Bi Cookie

2 Mistresses femdom cuckold forced bi

Caught , the Wife walked right up on me . I was so fixated on the guy on my screen on his knees, with three girls laughing, and humiliating him as he sucked ,and licked a really big thick cut cock. "Is that what you want? You like that? I'd always been ve...

Score 16 16
4.6k Views 4.6k
632 words 632 words

James was enjoying his dinner at his favorite restaurant. It has been a while since he was out and he just got a promotion at work. Feeling good about himself he thought he deserved to treat himself to a fancy dinner. Halfway through dinner though his att...

Score 6 6
2.3k Views 2.3k
3.1k words 3.1k words

I've been married to my loving wife, Sheila, for nearly 20 years now. I can't say that we have sex every day, or even every other day. We are a Bi-couple, i.e. we have sex bi-weekly. Things have always been nice, with constant patting and flirting here an...

Score 8 8
3.6k Views 3.6k
433 words 433 words

Late summer evening and after looking at ad's on craigslist to find a willing top guy I ran across an ad that showed a picture of a guys cock next to a bottle of water. His cock was as long and almost as thick as the bottle. He was looking for a bi guy to...

Score 10 10
4.0k Views 4.0k
568 words 568 words