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Threesome Stories

A threesome is a sexual experience between three partners. Often a threesome can happen spontaneously or be planned ahead, crafted as an idea to fulfil a long-standing sexual fantasy. Most commonly the threesome will include a couple in a relationship and then also a friend or a chosen partner, who is into swinging and comfortable sharing the same bed.

For the couple, the inclusion of an extra partner can be a good idea if either one is looking to explore their sexual curiosities - if the female is happy having a male as her relationship partner but sexually interested in a female, it can be a great opportunity for her to have consented female sexual contact. The male may also have erotic experience from seeing his female partner being pleasured, or vice versa.

Some of the most popular interests in swinging are threesomes, which attracts stable couples looking to add that extra sexual dimension into the bedroom. Have you experienced a threesome or considering one? Express your thoughts by writing your own story.

It was new year and we were drinking, up north big group of 30 ppl or so. One of my friends ex g/f was there and she was really digging into me and the more drunk I got the more the idea and flirting was enticing me. My other friends saw my friend watchin...

Score 3 3
353 Views 353
195 words 195 words

meet in the park

was shocked how hot his wife was

The first time i was on this site i start chatting a married couple lived 40 min away had great chats , they were as new to this site as i was . before them i had played with one married couple but we played for 3 yrs . So after months of chatted and find...

Score 11 11
2.0k Views 2.0k
637 words 637 words

Not recommend

Free uninhibited sex

A few years back I was chatting with a guy and he invited me to his home to meet his girlfriend. He said she was a nice girl and if she liked me we would probably enjoy a threesome. Looking back I realize this was a crazy idea but I hadn't been laid in a...

Part Three of Adult Fun

More 3 way advetures

My wife and I have belonged to a Corvette car club for many years. We travel to a number of events each year, but one has been an annual event for the past 6 years. We drive as small groups from all over western Canada and then meet at a central point for...

Score 26 26
1.6k Views 1.6k
736 words 736 words

No more curiosity

Pushing past the hang ups and embracing one's desires

It all started when we saw her at the club. We had seen her before. Hard not to see her, with the sexy outfits, curves, and the collection of absolute fuck-me shoes she wore. Until that night, though, it seemed she was always there with friends and the fe...

Score 28 28
1.3k Views 1.3k
1.9k words 1.9k words

Our second M.F.M Threesome

So this just happened..

It all started with a hello on another lifestyle site we are members of. We were in search of a younger male to join myself and my sexy cougar for a hot threesome. We had enjoyed our first threesome so much that we wanted to do it again. We received a not...

Score 50 50
2.6k Views 2.6k
2.1k words 2.1k words

well it was a stormy day at work when i got a call from wife who worked upstairs asking me if we should ask dennis to stay over since he had a 2 hour drive home and the blizzard was gonna be bad .i didnt think it was a bad idea plus i kinda had a idea on...

Score 19 19
1.5k Views 1.5k
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First time with a couple

Things got a little out of hand...

This is a few years back after splitting up with my ex. A friend of mine decided I needed to get out of the rut I found myself in, and invited me to come along for a party at a friend of his. So we drove together and talked about how I was having a hard t...

Score 14 14
944 Views 944
1.4k words 1.4k words

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It all started one night on my birthday .I came home from work after midnight . My wife’s friend had came for the weekend . Both of them had just had babies in the last 6 months only our friends boyfriend had abandoned her . let me describe. Her she was 3...

Score 15 15
1.2k Views 1.2k
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Her second mmf

Her first dp

After a our first mmf it took a while to organize another . She was almost ready for me and 2 other men but she decided it she wasn’t ready yet so who am I to complain lol i kind of did lol anyway we decided to have same guy as first time as she would be...

Score 30 30
2.4k Views 2.4k
517 words 517 words

Rock Concert weekend

Continuation of The pool TRUE STORY

We all made plans to go to a huge rock festival out of town and my husband and I decided to stay at my old roommates house.My husband was his usual horny self hoping for a second round three way . She graciously offered us her king size bed for the night...


Wife and I were chatting with people online on we had a lot to drink and hours of chatting. We were watching some porn and I said why DON'T we meet with a BBC tonight My wife hummed and hawed for a bit while I was playing and touching he...

Score 19 19
1.9k Views 1.9k
402 words 402 words

The laundromats owner's wife

Damn she was one good fuck.

I just moved into A new neighborhood. One day had to do my laundry so I went to the laundromat close to my place. Wasn't very busy at that time. Just A few ladies doing laundry and the owners there. The owners where very friendly as he started A conversat...

Score 20 20
2.2k Views 2.2k
1.2k words 1.2k words

It was a cold and stormy night. Actually, the night of my introduction to MFM was sunny and warm, meaning I was wearing a gauzy, flirty dress. Not sure why that mattered, as I didn’t have it on for long. So, let’s take it back to the very beginning…. Al a...